Teacher, Hiro, with students at our warehouse picking up orders for delivery.

Home Delivery

For our home-bound elders and neighbors with particular disabilities who are unable to access any of our pop-up pantries, qualify for home delivery. Groceries will be delivered every two weeks.

This is made possible through the efforts of some truly wonderful volunteers, and also two key partnerships with Project DASH, an initiative by DoorDash to help address food insecurity at a community level, and Boston Higashi School. EP students from Boston Higashi School make deliveries for us as part of a program to teach vocational skills in shipping and handling of heavy items, including perishable and non-perishable products, while fostering social and communication skills among the students.

Together, we are able to serve over 200 neighbors regularly, making sure that every person in our community, regardless of situation or ability, has what they need to thrive.